The Diverse Dance of Silks: It’s all so fragile, you know.

A poem

Amanda Clark-Rudolph
2 min readMar 4, 2023
A red silk flowing on a branch with a background of stars and dtarkness.
Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash

This life we live
with its cascades and folds
resembles swirling silk beams
twisting and flowing across the sky.

We take their diverse dance for granted
and ignore the gulf below.

We know these trajectories firmly hold our weight and house our souls,


we stretch them, pull them, wrap ourselves in their curves.

Only when we see one vanish
or catch our own disintegrating underfoot
do we face the feared recognition:
It’s all so fragile, you know.

I begin to grasp this more and more
as time moves forward, and
I notice an increasing number of silks,
melting into that unknown sunset ahead.

Some, I anticipate.
I mourn their vanishings,
while being as prepared as I could be–
to lose them to another



Amanda Clark-Rudolph

Amanda is a work at home mama who contributes to various magazines and blogs. Contact her at for interview or blog articles.